March Update

My husband and I are in self isolation which isn’t so bad. He has a cough but I really don’t think its the virus but at this time its best to be cautious.

I think we have kittens due in early May from Mabalakat Alleria Windrunner and Mymains Malfurion Stormrage. Its early days but I am hopeful.

Surrey & Sussex Show – 14th March 2020

We had a lovely day at the Surrey & Sussex show. Eevee (CH Mabalakat Shandris Feathermoom) got her first GR CH certificate, Jakatta Merithra was 2nd in a lovely class of 3 kittens and Jakatta Saphira was 1st and Best of Breed in her class.

My final bit of news for March is that I have sent the DNA sample off to MyCatDNA ( for Jakatta Mertihra. It takes a few weeks but I get a comprehensive report which tells me if she carries the genes for any disorders (all not just those known in Maine Coons) plus details of what traits she carries (solid etc.) and also details about her Genetic Diversity which is measured from her genes. I have made the decision that any cat used for breeding will be tested on this test to give me a complete picture.

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