August Update

Its a late update for August but its been a busy month. All 11 kittens have now gone to their new homes now and are settling in well. Unfortunately Alisaie above got an infection following her neutering operation and needed further treatment but she recovered quickly and after a couple of extra weeks with us is now settling in well in her new home.

Both Gus and Alleria have been for their annual vaccinations and I also took the opportunity to blood test them for FeLuk and FIV, as expected both clear.

No kittens due so it was quite peaceful but 3 of my 4 girls have now decided to start calling, it often happens after the babies leave but its too soon for Helly & Alleria to be mated again but I might let Platinum go and visit Gus!

My daughter-in-law Michelle has just had a litter of kittens and as soon as they are old enough I will post pictures on my facebook page and her website.

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